Police Charites UK

Welcome to The Police Charities UK (PCUK) group website.

Police Charities UK is not a charity in its own right, but it is a unique group of UK police focused charities who have agreed to collaborate where appropriate for the benefit of all serving and former members of UK police forces and their families. They meet formally only twice a year, in February and October.

The purpose of this website is to act as a reference guide for anyone who may need to access the services of our constituent members, be looking to support an appropriate charity through a fundraising event, or simply wanting to know more about what we do.

It is not a merger of police charities or an exhaustive list, but as you will find if you venture further, they are all quite different. Most are entirely independent and receive no state funding, and although they may work together, they do not share any personal information. They are usually supported by a network of superb volunteers, and some have a small team of permanent staff, dedicated to serving their respective beneficiaries. Some have been established to commemorate and honour officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and others to help officers, staff, and their families, in the wake of such events.  Some will provide physical and psychological rehabilitation following injury or trauma, and others may provide housing, or other benevolent assistance.

On this website, you will find the charities table, which is an easy reference guide, which lists the constituent members, what they do, who their beneficiaries are, and in which areas they operate. Links will take you directly to their own websites, where you can find out more, including details of how to get involved or make donations.

I am so grateful to all the volunteers and staff for all their hard work, the Police Federation of England and Wales for their continued support in maintaining this website and providing the facilities and services for the PCUK group meetings, and of course everyone who has supported any of these charities, however they could. Without you, they would eventually cease to exist.

I hope that you find this site a valuable reference and resource tool, and I would encourage you to share its existence with others if you can.

Thank you.


Dave Blundell

Chairman of The Police Charities UK Group

October 2019