Police Remembrance Trust

When was it established?

In 2023 the Police Roll of Honour Trust and National Police Memorial Day Trust merged to create the Police Remembrance Trust. The charity is established under the authority of a Royal Charter granted by Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. His Majesty The King has extended his patronage to the charity which is a testament to the service and sacrifice made by all those remembered within the United Kingdom’s Police Roll of Honour and remembered annually at the National Police Memorial Day service.

What is it for?

The objectives of the Trust shall be the commemoration of Police Officers who have lost their lives both on, and in the line of duty in all or any of the following ways:

  1. the provision of a record of all those Police Officers who lost their lives in a manner that dictates their name be added, historically or contemporaneously, to the United Kingdom’s Police Roll of Honour;
  2. support the ongoing research to ensure accuracy and relevance of the United Kingdom’s Police Roll of Honour;
  3. the provision of, or to assist in the provision of, and maintenance of memorials including statues, memorial gardens, books of remembrance, plaques and other appropriate memorials be they national, local, group or individual;
  4. the holding of, or participation in, memorial services or other acts of remembrance.