Several charities have been established to support the provision of convalescence, rehabilitation and welfare services for police officers and staff.
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Sussex Police Charitable Trust The Sussex Police Charitable Trust is a registered charity here to support our members in times of need, hardship or distress by providing financial support, recuperative breaks and advice and guidance.
The Blue Lamp Foundation The Blue Lamp Foundation was established in October 2010 by PC David Rathband after he was shot and permanently blinded by gunman Raoul Moat in Northumbria.
Police Pensioners’ Housing Association The Police Pensioners’ Housing Association Ltd (PPHA) was founded in 1968 to establish sheltered warden assisted accommodation for police pensioners and their spouses.
Christian Police Association Founded in 1883, the Christian Police Association aim to support Christians in the police service and provide a link between the police and the Christian community.
Police Chaplaincy UK Police Chaplaincy UK is the National body for Police Chaplains, formed in 2000
Association of Special Constabulary Officers ASCO was formed in 2018 and is the representative charity for all Special Constables, run by volunteer Special Constables for Special Constables, across the UK.
Defence Medical Welfare Service The Police Medical Welfare Service is provided by DMWS, a registered charity that has been delivering professional welfare services to frontline workers since 1943.
Avon and Somerset Constabulary Benevolent Fund The Avon and Somerset Constabulary Benevolent Fund was created in 1974 when the previous smaller Bristol, Somerset and Bath Constabularies were amalgamated.
Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House Founded in 1890 by Miss Catherine Gurney OBE and based in Hove, West Brighton until the Centre moved to its present location in South Oxfordshire in 1988.
West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund Each year West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund provides financial and practical support to serving officers, retired officers, police staff and their families in times of hardship or distress.
Thin Blue Line UK The ThinBlueLineUK was established as a registered charity in 2019 after many years of raising awareness around police officers' mental health issues.
Police Firearms Officers’ Association (PFOA) Created by firearms officers in 2009, the Association became a registered charity in England and Wales in 2010. The PFOA has over 6,500 members UK-wide
North West Police Benevolent Fund The object of the fund is to relieve members when they are in need. None of us know when we, or members of our family, will find themselves in need - a family crisis, a sudden bereavement, an unexpected illness.
Police Care UK Police Care UK makes sure both serving and former colleagues who suffer harm, and their families, have someone to turn to when things get tough.
The Police Treatment Centres Miss Catherine Gurney OBE established a convalescent home for police officers called the Southern Police Convalescent Home in 1890 and the second one for northern police officers in Harrogate in 1897
South West Police Compassionate Fund The South West Police Compassionate Fund was formed by officers serving within Devon and Cornwall to create a benevolent fund to support members, their families, and newly bereaved partners.
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